July 15, 2024 

Hi CSM Neighbors,

     It’s time once again to launch our Adopt a Beach campaign.  While residents continue to struggle with the effects of Hurricane Ian, we know that many of you are interested in the welfare of our sea turtles and enjoy helping them thrive.  SCCF can definitely use our support!

     Old and new Adopt a Beach information:

·         The Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) started the Adopt a Beach program in 2017.

·         Chateaux Sur Mer was the first island neighborhood to participate in SCCF’s endeavor to protect nesting sea turtles.

·         Purposes of the Adopt a Beach campaign:  for all of us to be well-informed advocates for sea turtles who nest on our shores; to raise $2 for every foot of CSM’s shoreline (we have approximately 1900-2000 feet); to use donated funds (which aren’t co-mingled with SCCF’s general fund) for program supplies, including GPS units, measuring wheels, screening materials to deter predators such as coyotes, nest staking materials, educational signage, fuel for surveys, and a variety of miscellaneous supplies (buckets, mallets, data books, rakes, etc.); SCCF also uses the funds to purchase research supplies such as wildlife cameras to monitor coyote behavior around sea turtle nests.  For more information about SCCF’s efforts involving our sea turtles, please visit their website:  https://sccf.org/our-work/sea-turtles  

·         Since 2017, Chateaux Sur Mer has donated $65,650 to Adopt a Beach.  We are proud of our efforts and are glad to see other island neighborhoods joining us in supporting this worthy program. To get us started, we have already received a generous donation from one of our turtle loving families.

·         Your contribution is tax deductible and will result in supporting an established SCCF program that benefits sea turtle monitoring and research.

·         So far this summer, sea turtles have been active on our beach and as of July 15, we have 12 nests.  To view pictures from previous summers, go to the CSM website click on Adopt a Beach tabs. https://www.chateauxsurmer.org/#home-section  Per usual, we will receive periodic sea turtle updates from SCCF, and all information will be posted on the CSM website.

·         Be sure to inform your guests and renters that they should remove all beach equipment and supplies when leaving for the day.  Holes should be filled and sand castles etc. should be flattened (sorry!) so our turtles have an easier time making their way to and from the gulf. 

If you are able, please consider contributing to Adopt a Beach.  CSM’s campaign will begin with this email and run through August 17.  

     Your check should be made out to SCCF and it should be sent to:  Robin Coleman (address in directory).  Checks will be held until the end of the campaign and then delivered to SCCF.  

Thank you for your help!

The CSM Board