The Board of Directors invites you to participate in the "Road Study Group Presentation" on Saturday, February 4, at 10 am, or Thursday, February 23, at 4:30 pm, at the Sanibel Library  Meeting Room 4.

The information shared will be the same at each meeting, although the second session may be expanded to address questions/issues raised at the first meeting. 

This Presentation will address road issues such as environment, compliance, safety, road incursions, drainage, health, costs, real estate values, and much more.  James Strothers, the engineer, who has worked on this project will also be there to answer questions.   

 For those who cannot attend either of these dates, this presentation in its entirety will be posted on our CSM website for your review.  Any questions or concerns  can be directed to Renny Challoner or myself.   

We look forward to seeing you at one of these meetings. 

Lisa Schmidlin - President,  CSMHOA